Book world gets weird on the other side of the portal — easier and harder in some ways. Easier because you’ve got a foot in the door so you can do things like sell a book on concept alone. Harder because you’ve got your foot in the door of a very specific building so you might not sell a single of the 6 unsigned books you’ve already written.
To date, I’ve written books without worrying about if I need to finish them or if they turn out worth reading. If they do? Great – I could always throw them out into the query trenches while looking for an agent. Or I could hope that they’d get picked up by my pub house or go on sub later. (And I’ll keep on doing this because I can’t seem to stop myself.)
This time around, I’m doing something new – writing to a spec on contract. It should be really interesting and crazy and stressful and all the things. I’m extremely grateful to have this opportunity and just wanted to take a moment to reflect on how wonderfully weird the publishing world is.